Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Unrequited...anything can be beautiful if it's viewed upon in a difference perspective. You have that serenity within yourself, your thoughts, your feelings that nobody else knows. It's a secret.

She doesn't know, really, but I've taken a huge liking to her. No, it's not something desperate or obsessive; I know when one hears or see the word "unrequited" the feeble mind instantly believes that it's a one-sided love affair where one person doesn't even know the other exists. It's nothing like that. I've already established that I like her and I told her that. Admiring her from a distance is what I believe I'm best at.


I remember a time when Cannabis flooded my lungs and I couldn't contain it at all. The irritating chemicals would cause me to cough excessively, prompting a less than friendly response from the people I consider friends.


My mind is a complicated thing. What is the overall message of anything that I'm trying to say here? If you analyzed this in any way, take into account that I'm under the influence of cannabis right now. Take into account that my brain, already functioning at an extremely high level surpasses anything I could truly fathom. As I sever my restraints with reality and ascend to a point where I can truly be mentally free, I'm able to express myself without the interal criticism I give myself because even I believe that I world cannot handle the puzzles and problems my mind produces.

I'm not the type to punch you in the face with the meaning of something. I allow interpretation because I love to see different views of material that LOOKS the same but is UNDERSTOOD differently. Maybe I'm just some druggie with a crush, others may see an intellectual genius expressing himself. Whatever you see, you tell me. I'm going to continue to be the man I am now. I don't see why not; 20 is around the corner and I'm trailing it by a month now.

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